Jyotirmai Singh

Physicist, Tinkerer

About Me

I am a fifth year Physics PhD student at Stanford University advised by Kent Irwin. My main interest is applying the methods of quantum metrology to enhance searches for axion dark matter.

My focus is on building superconducting radiofrequency resonators, understanding quantum noise in these frequency ranges, and developing new sensors/protocols to evade the standard quantum limit on measurement in dark matter searches. In this, I am generously supported by the governments of Australia, India, Japan, and the United States through the Quad Fellowship.

Previously, I was at UC Berkeley working on neutrinoless double beta decay and WIMP dark matter detection. Before that, I was born in Delhi and raised in Singapore & Dubai.

Outside of physics, I am very interested in the intersection of geopolitics and emerging technologies. Previously I’ve served on the Stanford Graduate Student Council where I was fortunate to work on issues of affordability for graduate students on campus. This website also hosts my other essays and book reviews.

I also really like learning new languages. I’ve been most successful with French, Turkish, Persian, and ancient languages like Latin, Sanskrit, and Avestan.

You can get in touch with me via email or follow me on Twitter.
