Jyotirmai Singh

Physicist, Tinkerer

Bhagavad Gītā 1.11

अयनेषु च सर्वेषु यथाभागमवस्थिता: ।
भीष्ममेवाभिरक्षन्तु भवन्त: सर्व एव हि ।।११।।

Sanskrit Analysis (Sandhi Removed)
अयनेषु च सर्वेषु
ayaneṣu ca sarveṣu
ayaneṣu (n. pl. loc) - In the positions

ca - And

sarveṣu (n. pl. loc. adj.) - In all
yathābhāgam - According to shares, each in his place (adverb)

avasthitāḥ (m. pl. nom. PPP of ava + √sthā [1P]) - Situated
bhīṣmam (m. sg. acc.) - Bhīṣma

eva - Indeed

ābhirakṣantu (3pl imperative abhi + √rakṣ) - Protect
भवन्त: सर्व एव हि
bhavantaḥ sarva eva hi
bhavantaḥ (m. pl. nom.) - You (reverential)

sarve (m. pl. nom.) - All

eva - Indeed

hi - Certainly

You, all situated in their positions, must indeed protect and support Bhīṣma.